We are excited you will be joining us!

There is power in moving slowly and with intention

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Lifetime Access gives you:

Participation in 10 Awareness Through Movement lessons at the Live Challenge event

Access to 5 Live Pro Discussion Groups where somatic  principles and lesson secrets are discussed

Replay video recordings, available for 24 hours after airing, so you can catch up on lessons you missed

Lifetime Access to the replay videos of ALL 10          Awareness Through Movement lessons and ALL 5    Discussion Group replays once the event has ended

[Value $375]

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

14 Day Refund Guarantee from the time the event begins or from your purchase date, whichever is longer. Nothing to lose!

  • Total payment
  • 1xMove Better Challenge 2023 Pro Lifetime Access$194

All prices in USD

The most important thing is that we are as comfortable in our bodies as we can be, no matter what our movement challenges. After practicing (at this event), that is exactly what happened. I felt comfortable in my body. I felt a delicious contentment and am happy with the improvements - no matter how small - that I experienced. 

~Julie Potter
